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a person with closed eyes, experiencing relaxation in Abhay's NLP training in India.

Hypnosis - Past Life Regression Therapy Training


Transformative NLP - Past Life Regression Therapy Training

This 4 days (32 hours) course is an advanced training of Hypnosis and Past Life Regression therapy.

This course can be taken only after the 2 levels are done i.e. Transformative NLP Training (92 hours) and Transformative NLP - Hypnosis Training (64 hours)

Abhay - Best NLP Practitioner from India, facilitating an NLP session at an Educational Institute.A participant experience deep transformation within in Abhay's NLP course in Mumbai
a lady standing with eyes closed and hands stretched out during NLP certification practitioner training in Mumbai, by Abhay Thhakkar.

You will learn:

Experience and facilitate deep healing with:

• Past Life Regression with Hypnotherapy
• Past Life Regression through conversation
• Age Regression therapy.
• Find core issue.
• Utisation of Ericksonian hypnotic patterns for regression.
• Utilisation of NLP - sub modalities, anchoring (learnt in Transformative NLP level 1 and 2) for regression therapy.
• Goal accomplishment.

Who is this Hypnosis - Regression Training course for?

This course is designed for:

• Psychologists, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Coach
• Personal and spiritual seeker

Hypnosis NLP training at DY Patil college
NLP Practitioner - Abhay Thhakkar facilitating NLP Practitioner course in Mumbai, India

Tranformative Training format

This entire 4-day course, facilitated by Abhay Thhakkar is designed to be:

Experiential and hands-on learning.
Learn through extensive practice
• Know the practical applications of patterns.

If you are keen to find more information on the training format, you can visit:
NLP Training Design