NLP Modelling

people in suits
a child in suit imitating her mother in suit

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro-linguistic programming is the study of difference that makes the difference between the consistent high performance of genius (either an individual or team) in some field of human endeavor and the “average” performer in the same field. It’s principle defined activity then is modeling.

Steps to NLP Modelling

According to John Grinder:

" Modelling itself may be modelled in a number of ways. We (John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair) have proposed the following minimum phrases can be usefully dissected out of this complex process.

 1.      Identify a model of excellence (source of patterning) and the securing of access.

2.      Unconscious uptake of the patterning - Utilisation of the know nothing state to unconsciously assimilate the patterning that the model embodies. This process yields a significantly more robust and complete representation of the patterning offered by the source of that patterning-the original model.

3.      Systematic deployment of the patterning -This is where the modeler systematically deploys the patterning incorporated during the unconscious uptake phase until the performance criteria are satisfied ie the modeler can demonstrate the required level of competency in the task being modelled.

4.      Codify the pattern - Upon reaching the criteria of 2 and 3, the modeler begins the task of codifying the patterning now resident in him or herself as well as the source of the patterning (the original individual or a team).
Note that this implies that there are actually two sets to guide the modeler; observation of the source of the patterning-the original source- and self-modelling, that is, the mapping of the tacit knowledge, now resident in the modeler, to explicit knowledge-the resultant model itself.

5.      Testing the model - To determine whether it successfully transfers the patterning codified to interested learners in an effective manner. Equivalently, does the learner achieve mastery of the patterning of the original model in a successful and efficient (that is, within a reasonable) period of time? 

-       John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair – “Model of modelling”