
Online NLP Workshops

Get an experience of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis with 3 hours online NLP workshops.

a picture of a person sitting crossed legs representing introspecting during a session by an NLP Practitioner
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a creative picture depicting two people communicating
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a creative picture of a finger touching the brain representing the effects of NLP session
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An NLP Practitioner standing in front of light source
Abhay U Thakkar, the best NLP Trainer in India, facilitating the best NLP Course in India

Online NLP Workshops

The 3 hours online NLP - Hypnosis workshop will involve several valuable learnings that are designed to enhance aspects of your life.

The following workshops are facilitated:

1- Family Dynamics (based on the work of Virginia Satir)
• Understand personality types and learn solutions for dealing the conflicts in relationships.

2 - Language of Influence
• Create more receptivity from people you communicate with, through applying influential language patterns.

3 - Self - Hypnosis and Power of Visualisation
• Access subconscious mind within 3 minutes and experience a deep relaxed state.

NLP Workshop details -
course contents and benefits

What are the details of 'Family Dynamics' workshop?
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Topic: Family Dynamics

Based on the extensive work done by popular Family Therapist - Virginia Satir.

In the session you will learn:
Personality Types of Family members.
• The cycles of roles that family members take on during the conflicts.
• The typical behaviours and language patterns used by the family members at that time.

The understanding that you gain during the session will enable you to understand the family dynamics which will enable you to be more empowered.

The session is based on the work of Virginia Satir.

Virginia Satir was a popular family therapist since she got consistent results in facilitating transformations in the family dynamics of those families who came to her for sessions.
Virginia Satir played a pivotal role in the development of NLP since she was one of the first model of excellence that the co-creators of NLP modelled.

Abhay (the NLP trainer) will be sharing what he had directly learnt from the co-creator of NLP - Frank Pucelik during his NLP courses in Spain.

Frank Pucelik, being one of the co-creators of NLP, spent ample of time learning from Virginia Satir.
Besides that, Abhay has added his own research in it. Thereby expanding the understanding of 'Family Dynamics'.

What are the details of 'Language of Influence' workshop?
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Topic: Language of influence & Mindfulness with words

Learnings and benefits:
• Impact of words used on daily basis
• Creating influence through words.
• Communicating with rebels
•Giving feedback effectively
• Enhancing self-talk
•Enhancing relationship with self & others.

What are the details of 'Self Hypnosis' workshop?
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Topic: Self-Hypnosis, Power of Visualization and The Mind.

Learn to access your Sub-Conscious using Self-Hypnosis for:
✓ Improving your health.
✓ Reducing stress levels enormously.
✓ Achieving Professional Goals with more ease.
✓ Manifesting your dreams by sending a more focused intent towards it.
✓ Achieving depths in meditation with ease.
✓ Increasing intuition.

Did you know?
Self-Hypnosis is the secret behind the success of many successful people around the world including Henry Ford and Andre Agassi.

Many of us are may have heard - " It's all in the Mind".

But what really is the Mind and how do we use our mind to enhance our personal and professional life? What is the science behind how our realties get formed?

You can get answers to the above in the workshop and you will access the power of subconscious mind with Self-Hypnosis.

About the facilitator: Abhay Thhakkar
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Abhay is an intuitive healing facilitator and an Internationally certified NLP trainer.

He has been learning healing-based modalities and NLP since 2008.

You can find more information about him on: about Abhay Thhakkar

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Are you looking for more information, or to receive updates on the upcoming courses or to register for the courses?
You can connect with Abhay Thhakkar personally.

Looking for information about other courses?
Transformative NLP course (Level 1)
Transformative NLP - Hypnosis course (Level 2)
New Code NLP Training
10 days online NLP - Hypnosis course

If you wish to curious to learn about benefits of Transformative Neuro Linguistic Programming for several professions and other articles, you can visit Transformative NLP Articles.

You can also visit:
What is NLP?
About Abhay Thhakkar (NLP Trainer)

Best NLP Trainer of India - Abhay Thhakkar, facilitating during a Neuro Linguistic Programming Course in Mumbai.
Best NLP Practitioner Training in India being facilitated by best Master Practitioner - Abhay Thhakar
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