Why give importance to

Unconscious Mind during NLP Coaching

a man standing with eyes closed is guided by a lady to experience hypnosis state in the NLP - Hypnosis course
a man with eyes closed during Transformative NLP Training in India

Learning and Change

“We understand that learning and change take place at the unconscious level.
The part of your functioning which is responsible for about ninety-five percent of your learning and skill is called your unconscious mind.”

Unconscious mind in Therapy

“There is paradox in the field. The hugest majority of therapists believe that the way to be a good therapist is to do everything you do intuitively, which means to have an unconscious mind that does it for you.

They wouldn't describe it that way because they don't like the word "unconscious" but basically, they do what they do without knowing how they do it. They do it by the "seat of their pants"—that's another way to say, "unconscious mind."

I think being able to do things unconsciously is useful; that's a good way to do things. The same group of people, however, say that the ultimate goal of therapy is for people to have conscious understanding—insight into their own problems.

So, therapists are a group of people who do what they do without knowing how it works, and at the same time believe that the way to really get somewhere in life is to consciously know how things work!”  

 - ‘Structure of Magic 1’ – John Grinder and Richard Bandler

a couple during NLP therapy session
a lady with eyes closed with sunlight in the background

Unconscious mind in Hypnosis

“Patients are patients because they are out of rapport with their unconscious.
The unconscious is much smarter, wiser and quicker. It understands better.
Trust your unconscious; it knows more than you do.”

-Dr Milton H Erickson - Hypnotherapist

Reestablish your connection with the unconscious mind with Transformative NLP Training Level 1 and Transformative NLP Training Level 2.

A picture of a person meditating surrounded by a peaceful aura
brain with colours on right

The Mind

“We carry inside the wonders that we seek outside us” – Rumi.

You may have heard phrases such as ‘It’s all in the Mind’.
Besides, you are probably aware that our sub-conscious mind/ unconscious mind is more powerful than our conscious mind.

At the same time, there can only be theories about what the mind is and what the mind does. Since, unlike a brain, there is no such physical entity of a Mind.
Nevertheless, across the globe, you will find many people who have shared their theories about what themind is.
For instance, Dr. John Kappas’s ‘Theory of Mind’ and Joseph Murphy has shared in his book - ‘The Power of your Subconscious Mind’. 

Will Power not Powerful enough?

If you are addicted to sweets, nicotine, drugs, alcohol, and you have been wanting to quit it, why have you not been able to quit it yet? 

Statistics show that only 8%of people are able to let go of their addiction with the will power.
Why not the rest?
Since the instinctual drives are a part of the unconscious mind, and it is the unconscious mind that is much more powerful than the conscious mind.
Hence it is difficult to quit.

(Kindly note: I’m aware that many people believe that the unconscious mind and subconscious mind is different. However, for the purpose of simplicity, I will be using both the terms interchangeably.)

If you are curious to know the difference between the conscious mind and unconscious mind, you can find the difference between the two through a Sufi story which I have shared at the bottom of the page.

The Power of the Unconscious Mind

How much time would it take for you to run 1km?

Now, what if a tiger is chasing you, how much time would it take to run 1km?

Well, of course, the time taken in the latter would be comparatively less. In the latter, the fight/flight got triggered.
When the fight/flight mechanism gets triggered, it means the unconscious mind of an individual has got activated. Since a primary function of the unconscious mind is to enable you to be alive. It’s your unconscious mind that regulates your heartbeat and other involuntary functions.

Hence, it is the unconscious mind that is much more powerful than the conscious mind.
Therefore, in my Transformative NLP courses, I teach many NLP techniques and tools for unleashing the power of the unconscious mind.
Many of the participants of my NLP trainings in Mumbai and other cities have shared with me that they have found the New Code NLP games to be very effective for unleashing the power of their unconscious mind. Thereby enabling them to do and be much more than what they thought they can achieve and be.

Remember, you are always more than what you think you can achieve in your life.

The Wisdom of the Unconscious Mind

At times we too, acknowledge the wisdom of the unconscious mind when we talk about “gut instinct” or intuition.

“Intuition is really the sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

There have been times in my life when my gut instinct was guiding me to take a particular action, and I did not follow it since it did not ‘make sense.’ When I looked back later, I would regret it. However, when I listened to the unconscious mind and took action, even though it seemed illogical at that moment, it would turn out to be the right decision.

 “When deciding what to do next, we can always ask: Does this thought, emotion, or behaviour bring me closer or away from my centre” – Stephen Gilligan.

How to connect to the Unconscious Mind?

There are several ways to connect to the unconscious mind, so you reestablish your connection with your inner self and harness the power and wisdom of the unconscious mind.
In my Transformative NLP Courses, I teach several techniques by which a person gets trained to be an NLP coach, and they get to learn to connect to their unconscious mind.

The Conscious and Unconscious Mind 

We can understand further about ‘The Mind’ and the difference between the ‘conscious mind’ and the ‘unconscious mind’, through the following metaphor: 

According to an old Sufi story, on a dark night, some people saw Nasser, searching desperately for something under the streetlight outside his home. When those people asked if he needed help, Nasser said he was looking for his key, which he had misplaced. 

All of them together then began to search for the key. After a while, a person asked Nasser to retrace his steps. To the surprise of people, Nasser said, “I lost the keys inside the house.” 

They asked Nasser: “Why didn’t you look for the keys inside the house itself?” 
Nasser said that it is completely dark inside the house, but there is plenty of light under the streetlamp.

The illuminated area, which is under the streetlamp, is a metaphor for our conscious mind.
When we attempt to resolve a problem, we are often searching for a solution in our conscious mind. Like Nasser’s search for his key under the streetlamp, which is beyond a shadow of doubt, not under the streetlamp. 

Nasser’s unlit house is a metaphor for the unconscious mind.
Since the key is in the house itself, all we need to do is to turn on the lights there.

Similarly, there are moments in our life when we don’t search for solutions and answers from our wise unconscious mind.

Nasser’s missing key is a metaphor for all the internal resources such as excitement, clarity, confidence, courage, perseverance, that is enabling us to be more successful.

We have the answers and resources within our unconscious mind, just as the key that was already in Nasser’s house. 

In my NLP Practitioner courses in Mumbai and other cities, through the techniques and tools, the participants tap into the unconscious mind and also access the resources that are inherent within.

Remember, you have all the resources you ever require within you.